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Who can ride Trials?
Basically anyone capable of managing a motorcycle can have a go at trials. There are classes for all ages and abilities. Trials is a fun sport for the entire family!
What do I need to get started?
All you need to get started is a trials bike, riding gear including a helmet, boots, gloves, along with riding pants and a jersey. Most Trials riders wear an open-face AMA/DOT approved helmet however some will wear a full-face design for added protection.
How do I get involved?
You will first want to join Sacramento PITS (AMA membership required). Click for the current PITS Membership Form. (The AMA provides many benefits for riders and clubs. The AMA is always fighting for our right to ride throughout the country).
Download a membership form, fill it out and return it to Sacramento PITS.
Discount cards are offered to members who work, check or organize an event. To maintain or upgrade your status you will need to earn worker points throughout the year. The club could not operate without its hard working club members.
Where can I ride?
You can begin to practice in your front yard or somewhere there is a small amount of dirt to ride. Trials bikes are very quiet! You can check out your local OHV riding areas, some of these offer designated trials riding areas.(Prairie City SVRA, Mammoth Bar OHV).
How can I learn to ride?
Going out to ride with other members is a great way to practice and improve skill. Sacramento PITS offers a once a year trials school along with a work party at the club property. Also, there can be specific trials schools available for a full day or weekend. Another great suggestion to help you learn is to watch videos or read books on the basics of trials. These are available online or from most dealers in the USA.
Will I need a special license to compete?
No, a district license is not required.
How much should I expect to pay to compete?
Most trials event’s entry fees range between $25.00 – $50.00 per rider depending on the event. If an AMA license is required, they cost roughly $49.00 per year.
Where do I find a bike?
New trials bikes are available from authorized dealers across the USA. The brands currently being imported into the US market include Beta, Gas Gas, OSET, Scorpa, Montesa, Sherco and Vertigo.
For second-hand bikes, check out the Classifieds section on this site as well as Craigslist and Facebook.
Are the bikes expensive?
A new full size trials bike will range in price between $8000.00 to $12,000. New youth models may be less expensive depending on the size and features.
Most new riders to the sport will start on a good used trials bike as they can be purchased for much less and work as great starter bikes to hone your skills. OSET and Vertigo offer kids trials bikes in several sizes. OSETS are electric, meaning maintenance is minimal, and you can ride these quiet bikes almost anywhere. Adult supervision should always be provided.
Where do I find the date of the next event?
Events are posted on the Events page. Upcoming events will have flyers to download for specific info on that event. Members will also be emailed and/or mailed flyers prior.
Most events are held on Saturdays & Sundays. The Saturday trial is suited more for all family members, from young kids to advanced levels usually with a short easy loop and moderate sections.
I’ve seen people ride over huge obstacles – do I need to be able to do that?
Absolutely not! Those expert riders are a very small percentage of the people who ride trials – perhaps 5-10%. Most people are quite satisfied with the challenge of easier classes. Sacramento PITS trials club events have classes for almost all riding abilities.
Will trials riding help my other off-road riding skills?
Absolutely! Trials riding teaches you proper riding techniques including balance, body position, and many other key elements required in other forms of motorcycle riding. Many of today’s top riders have either competed in trials or practice at home on a trials bike. It makes a great “second bike”
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